Thousands of tons of waste and trash are dumped into the ocean on a daily basis, we are very focused to work hard and fight this global catastrophe.


iCollect is part of the non-profit organization Universal Collect. It sprung from the resources and expertise of Island Power Solutions. iCollect was created to generate social impact by actively designing, developing and carrying out social actions.

Universal Collect

Is the name given to the non-profit organization that was created by Island Power Solutions to fight the growing plastic pollution problem.

Island Power Solutions (IPS)

Island Power is a solution company that creates sustainable power, waste and water solutions for islands, primarily those not connected to the mainland grid.

The aim is providing long-term sustainable solutions for islands and off-grid communities that enables them to move away from olluting technologies.

Oceans are one of the most valuable natural resources on the planet. They cover 70% of the earths surface and have millions of species living in them.

The fact is there is 60% of the human population that live on or near a coast, so apparently, human health is related to the health of the ocean.


We have already lost 27% of the world’s coral reefs. If present rates of destruction continue, 60% of the world’s coral reefs will be destroyed over the next 30 years.

We need to reverse the trend. Through our work with waste on the islands we see first-hand the impact of the marine plastic pollution, and we have become very connected to the work to fight this global catastrophe.

Oceans are one of the most valuable natural resources on the planet. They cover 70% of the earths surface and have millions of species living in them, being an essential part of the natural ecosystem. It is the ecosystem we know the least about, and still today there are lots of unexplored parts in the deep-sea waters.

We do not really know what the heavy plastic pollution is doing to the balance in the sea, both in the short and long term. It is however very clear that the contamination caused by plastic pollution in our oceans cannot continue and we need to reverse the current development.

The oceans have become the end point for so much of the waste we produce on land. It can be seen all over the water surface with islands of plastic and all over our beaches. As a consequence, our seas health is degrading at an alarming rate.